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12 Dec

New World Telephone Changed to New World Telecommunications Reflecting Growth Beyond Hong Kong

New World Telephone Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of New World Group, has been delivering high quality telephony voice and local data services with solid foundations, extensive experience, and long-term vision. As its network continues to grow and expand, so has its capability to deliver sophisticated IP-based broadband and VPN, video and multi-media services. And to mark this transformation, it has changed its company name to New World Telecommunications Limited (New World Telecom) and unveiled a new corporate identity. This new corporate identity marks a milestone and brings NWT's business into a new era. It also demonstrates the Company's commitment to enhance communications services in Hong Kong and beyond, to Greater China and other parts of the world.

In the recent years, NWT has laid various milestones to pave way for its goal of going beyond Hong Kong.

Last month, NWT was awarded a Type II licence by Taiwan authority DGT. The licence covers Internet access, international voice and international bandwidth resale services. As part of the Internet access service, NWT will be able to provide IP VPN service between Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas destinations.

NWT has also been granted the 214 license from the FCC to provide facilities-based global services in the United States, which enabled the Company to enjoy equal status as other major US international facilities-based carriers.

Earlier this year, NWT established POP (Point of Presence) facilities in Taiwan, Vietnam and the United States, branch offices in Taiwan and the United States, and representative offices in Mainland China, laying cornerstones for the Company's growth to the regional horizon.

NWT is the first new FTNS operator in Hong Kong to have built POP facilities and been awarded telecommunications licences in overseas markets. These facilities and licences extends NWT's business network to provide a wide, all-encompassing spectrum of data, IP and voice services.

Albert Wong, Managing Director of NWT said, "All along, New World Telecom has been focusing on achieving success in the local telecommunications market amid the fierce competition. Now, after seven years of devoted work, a solid foundation is well-built and we are ready to capture opportunities in the region. After construction of a sophisticated fibre based telecom network in Hong Kong, we obtained relevant licences and built our own facilities in markets with high potential. Equipped with a unique set of licences, NWT is strategically positioned to grow itself into a regional telecommunications service provider. It once again demonstrates our ability of being a trend setter, and always staying ahead of other industry players."

"NWT's commitment to Hong Kong's telecommunications market has remained unchanged, albeit the environment is very competitive. Our mission has always been to provide the best range of local and international telecommunications services to customers in Hong Kong," continued Wong.

In terms of local development, NWT's fixed telephone business has experienced a growth of 100% in the past financial year, with the number of lines grew to more than 120,000 as at November 2002. The network coverage has also been extended to cover 9,000 buildings and over 1 million homepass.

In addition to POP facilities and branch offices, NWT has also clinched bilateral relationships with 24 renowned international carriers. In addition, it has also acquired submarine cable capacity on APCN-2, Japan-US, PC1, EAC, APCN, China-US, TPC-5, Sea-Me-We3.

Over the past year, NWT has pioneered the launch of MPLS-based IP-VPN services, which covers Taiwan, the United States, and Mainland China via its bilateral relationship with China Telecom. In the coming year, NWT will continue to reinforce its leading position in the data service market by launching various state-of-the-art data services to bring ultimate benefits to its customers.

NWT's new logo comprises a square block with a broad green band arcing over a curved horizon background. It reflects the Company's growth from its local base to the wider regional arena and beyond, and represents its ability to offer a wide range of services and solutions tailored to customers. The solid outlook represents NWT's business growth potential based on the solid foundation and resources of parent company New World Group.

About New World Telecommunications Limited
New World Telecommunications Limited, a subsidiary of New World Group, was inaugurated in July 1995. With a vision to become a leading provider of global telecommunications services, NWT incessantly expands its global business coverage with investment in local and international network and facilities, bilateral partnerships with 24 renowned international carriers, and Point-of-Presence facilities with marketing network and appropriate facility-based licences in strategically selected countries or cities, such as the US and Taiwan.

New World Telecom's mission is to create value for its customers in Hong Kong, Greater China and beyond. The Company is committed to delivering best-of-class communications solutions with professionalism and a customer-focused philosophy.