Name of the street and the street number
1 Kai Yuen LaneDistrict
North PointTo download Register of Transactions, please visit the development’s website.
The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement/promotional material represent an artist's impression of the Development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the Development. The vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. #The address of the website designated by the vendor for the development for the purposes of Part 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance. Vendor: Golden Kent International Limited. Holding companies of the vendor: HING YING SERVICES LIMITED, GLOBAL TRINITY CHINA LIMITED, MAXLUCK OVERSEAS LTD. Authorized person for the Development: Mr. Wong Min Hon Thomas of Wong Tung & Partners Limited. Building contractor for the Development: Hip Seng Construction Company Limited. The firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of the residential properties in the Development: Kao, Lee & Yip, Johnson Stokes & Master. Any authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the Development: Not applicable. Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Development: MAX MORAL LIMITED, TRADE JET INVESTMENTS LIMITED, CHEUNG HUNG DEVELOPMENT (HOLDINGS) LIMITED, CHEERTOP INVESTMENTS LIMITED, HING YING SERVICES LIMITED, New World Finance Company Limited, Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited, HOUSING FINANCE LIMITED, GLOBAL TRINITY CHINA LIMITED (The loan provided by the 9 companies has been settled). This advertisement is published by the vendor of FLEUR PAVILIA. Prospective purchaser is advised to refer to the sales brochure for any information on the Development. All references to “FLEUR ISLAND” made in this advertisement / promotional materials are reference to the proposed name of the landscape in the Development. The proposed name is for promotional purpose only, and may not be used or provided in the building plans, title deeds or other legal documents. The name may be changed upon or after completion of the Development. The Vendor does not make any offer, undertaking, representation or warranty, whether express or implied, in relation to the location of or view from the Development or any other aspect.