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8 Feb

New World Group and its 25 group companies are awarded as Caring Companies, recognising their achievement in corporate social responsibility

New World Development Company Limited ("New World Group" or the "Group", Hong Kong stock code : 0017) and its 25 group companies are awarded the 2006/07 Caring Company Logo by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service today, recognising their contribution and outstanding performance in corporate social responsibility during the past year. Over 1,100 companies have been awarded as Caring Companies this year. New World Group is proud to be one of the organisations with the higher number of awardees. 

The group companies joining New World Group with the distinction this year are: 
- NWS Holdings Limited 
- Hong Kong New World Department Store Company Limited 
- New World Telecommunications Limited 
- New World TMT Limited 
- Grand Hyatt Hong Kong 
- Renaissance Harbour View Hotel 
- Renaissance Kowloon Hotel 
- Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Management) Limited 
- Hip Hing Construction Company Limited 
- Urban Property Management Limited 
- Urban Parking Limited 
- KLPS Group Limited 
- NWS Engineering Group Limited 
- New World First Bus Services Limited 
- Citybus Limited 
- New World First Ferry Services Limited 
- New World First Ferry Services (Macau) Limited 
- Uniformity Security Company Limited 
- Care & Services Company Limited 
- CiF Solutions Limited 
- International Property Management Limited 
- Sky Connection Limited 
- New China Laundry Limited 
- Tai Fook Securities Group Limited 
- NWS Service Management (HK) Ltd. 

The Group and its companies are committed to corporate social responsibility and have been actively participating in and supporting numerous charity projects. The Group's corporate volunteer team provides services to the different organisations and forges a stronger tie with the community. 

New World Group concerns about the needs of the underprivileged. The Group supported "Modern Apprenticeship", a joint venture with Delia Group of Schools and Breakthrough Organization by providing scholarship, apprentice training for the youngsters. The Group sponsored all the operation expenditure, and encouraged staff attending mentorship training. What's more, the outstanding graduates were given job opportunities upon completion of the programmes. 

The Group is also supportive to the meaningful initiatives of Medecins Sans Frontieres ("MSF"). Apart from providing media sponsorship at New World First Bus and CityBus for MSF's 2006 awareness campaign, the Group also encouraged staff members to donate for "MSF Day". HK$300,000 was raised and the Group was proud to be the most generous contributor to the event. 

New World Group takes part in the development of different cities and considers itself an integral part of the community. We hold social responsibility as our core value. By initiating and organising a wide range of charity campaigns and events in Hong Kong and Mainland China, we enrich community life and contribute to building a caring community and harmonious society.