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4 Jul

New World Development Scoops Eight Awards in Institutional Investor’s Annual Rankings Named “Most Honored Company” for the Fourth Consecutive Year

New World Development Company Limited (“New World Development” or “the Group”, Hong Kong stock code: 00017) recently scooped eight awards in the “2024 Asia (ex-Japan) Executive Team Rankings”, published by the prestigious international financial magazine Institutional Investor. The Group was also named “Most Honored Company” in the “2024 Asia Pacific (ex-Japan) Executive Team Rankings” for the fourth consecutive year. New World Development CEO Mr. Adrian Cheng and CFO Mr. Edward Lau were named “Best CEO” and “Best CFO”, respectively, for the fourth consecutive year.

The eight awards won by New World Development in the “2024 Asia (ex-Japan) Executive Team Rankings” are:

•    Most Honored Company (Rest of Asia)
•    Best Company Board of Directors
•    Best CEO – Mr. Adrian Cheng
•    Best CFO – Mr. Edward Lau
•    Best Investor Relations 
•    Best IR Professional – Mr. Patrick Cheong
•    Best IR Team
•    Best ESG

Institutional Investor is a renowned international financial magazine, and its annual “Asia Executive Team Rankings” is one of the most prestigious lists in the global capital markets. This year’s rankings cover the entire Asia-Pacific region, excluding Japan, with the results voted completely by recognised financial professionals. Participating in the voting this year were 4,943 buy-side professionals from 1,232 institutions and 951 sell-side analysts from 156 institutions.

New World Development’s excellent performance in the “2024 Asia Executive Team Rankings” once again demonstrates the capital markets’ strong recognition of the Group’s management team, investor relations and ESG strategies and practices. Going forward, the Group will continue to strengthen its ties with stakeholders and to incorporate ESG factors into its business strategies, risk management and daily operations to create long-term value for shareholders and stakeholders.