Ms. Lo Wing-Sze, Anthea BBS, JP

Appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director in December 2022. Ms. Lo is a member of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company. Ms. Lo is an independent non-executive director of Virtual Mind Holding Company Limited, Goldlion Holdings Limited, China Resources Mixc Lifestyle Services Limited and Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Limited, all being listed public companies in Hong Kong. She was an independent non-executive director of Finsoft Financial Investment Holdings Limited (a listed public company in Hong Kong) up to her resignation in July 2023.
Ms. Lo holds a Bachelor of Economics Degree from the University of Sydney and a Master of Commerce in Finance Degree from the University of New South Wales in Australia. She is a Certified Public Accountant of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a Fellow Certified Practicing Accountant of CPA Australia. She is the financial director of Million Tour Limited and the founder and financial director of M1 Hotel Group.
Ms. Lo was appointed as a Justice of the Peace in 2017 and awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star in 2020 by the HKSAR Government. She is a member of the Election Committee 2021 (The Fourth Sector) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and was a member of the Election Committee for the Fifth Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Ms. Lo is also a member of All-China Women’s Federation Hong Kong SAR delegate; the Chief Executive’s Policy Unit Social Development Expert Group; the Advisory Committee on Post-office Employment for Former Chief Executives and Politically Appointed Officials; the Advisory Committee on Admission of Quality Migrants and Professionals; the Immigration Department Users’ Committee; the Correctional Services Children’s Education Trust Investment Advisory Board and the District Fight Crime Committee (Wan Chai District). In addition, she is an Honorary Court Member of the Lingnan University.