
  • 2 Aug
    Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the Month Ended 31 July 2023


  • 3 Jul
    Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the Month Ended 30 June 2023


  • 27 Jun
    Joint Announcement- (1) Pre-conditional Voluntary General Cash Offers By The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, BOCI Asia Limited And ING Bank N.V. On Behalf Of The Offeror To Acquire All The Issued Shares Of NWS (Other Than Those Already Beneficially Owned By The CTFH Group) And To Cancel All The Outstanding Share Options Of NWS (2) Possible Major Transaction And Connected Transaction of NWD (3) Resumption of Trading In The Securities Of NWD and NWS
  • 27 Jun
    Poll Results of Extraordinary General Meeting
  • 6 Jun
    Notification and Request Form to Non-registered Holders of Securities
  • 6 Jun
    Notification Letter to Registered Shareholders - Extraordinary General Meeting
  • 6 Jun
    Notice of Availability to the Shareholders Who Have Chosen/Deemed Consent to Read Corporate Communications of the Company Published on its Website in Place of Receiving Printed Copies
  • 6 Jun
    Proxy Form for Extraordinary General Meeting